Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Sad news

About an hour ago, I arrived at work and checked my email. In my inbox I discovered a message from Jeff Patterson, our Assistant Dean for Operations at LBJ, passing on the news that one of our fellow masters students, Jordan Nadler, had died of a seizure. I am shocked and saddened at the news of her passing; yet I can't begin to imagine the sense of loss that those truly close to her must feel. My condolences and sympathy go out to her friends, her boyfriend, and her family. From the admittedly brief amount of time I spent getting to know her, I was struck by her passion and her spirit. As my roommate, Ryan, puts it, "She knew what she believed, would debate it with you, but always in a fun but spirited manner." She was an incredible athlete, a dedicated student, and above all a committed servant to society. This summer she had taken a position with Teach for America in San Francisco--the organization was blessed to have her.

Since her passing was so abrupt, some of those who were close to her may regret that they were never afforded a chance to tell her how much they cared for before she left. I would urge them to take some solace in the fact that there was no way of knowing that this would come, and that I am sure that her faith in your love was implicit, whether you had told her yesterday or a year ago. That being said, this tragic loss should remind us all of how important it is share and reaffirm our love with others. So to all of my friends reading this blog: I care for you all deeply and am grateful for your continued support and friendship. Thank you for enriching my life in all the myriad ways that you do. And to my family: I love you all. Thank you for raising me to appreciate the importance of maintaining meaningful relationships from which to draw strength, compassion, and conviction.

My heart goes out to all those who have ever known and cared for Jordan.

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