Friday, July 11, 2008


No time for a long post today, unfortunately, but I just wanted to check in to let y'all know two items: first, since it is the Mongolian national holiday, Naadam, all weekend, I am off work until next Wednesday. So no updates until then. :( The second item is the following brief tale from my adventures at the national stadium today. While perusing the stands outside the stadium with Emily and Mark, we happened upon an airag vendor. For those of you who are unfamiliar with airag, it is the Mongolian word for fermented yak's milk. You read that right. The vendor was serving generous bowls of the stuff up, and apparently Emily, who felt she had something to prove, felt compelled to purchase a bowl...which she promptly handed off to Mark after one small sip. And of course, after another equally small sip, Mark's own face turned a sickly shade of green. He handed me the bowl, grimacing, "if I have one more drink I will puke." Thus, of necessity, I straight up chugged the entire 20 ounce bowl of the stuff. Holy shit. Let's just say it's basically like drinking liquid cheese. With alcohol.

I'm a champ.

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